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Happy Christmas is the first 2017 Christmas special of Council of Creators. It was written by Scoobydooman90001 and takes place in between the second and third seasons.


Christmas, a holiday that only comes once a year and only on one planet. It's a time of joy and celebration. Friends and families get together to enjoy the holidays and spread the Christmas cheer. Everyone could truly kick back and relax, something they needed and deserved a lot after the catastrophic events the Earth had been put through in the preceding months. Even the Creators were enjoying the Christmas spirit. They had been fortunate enough to have had the last month to themselves. They didn't know if the rest of the universe happened to have a holiday around this period of time, but they had been lucky enough to have not come across any threats recently.

The fireplace was lit and they were all watching the TV, enjoying the movies and other festivities that were being shown on TV. They were even drinking eggnog to really get into the festive mood. Terry, their pet Dodo Bird, was fast asleep in front of the fireplace, making sure to keep warm during this cold and chilly season. Cdr, Koopa and Scoobs were wearing Santa hats, with the other Creators either wearing Christmas-themed sweaters or just wearing their usual gear. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Ah, that'll be him!" said Koopa, turning his head away from the TV.

"I'll go get it" said Wolf, getting out of her chair and heading towards the door. She undid the locks holding it shut and pulled it open, allowing their visitor to enter.

"Hey guys!" he said, hanging his coat on the closest hanger.

"Hi John!" exclaimed Nerd, looking up from his 3DS. He put it down and got straight to making some eggnog for him. They hadn't yet been able to find a new bartender, having been too occupied with decorating the place for Christmas and not having much time to do anything. John joined them by the TV, sitting next to Indominus.

"What are we watching?" he asked.

"Oh, you know" said Scoobs. "The typical Christmas movies. Santa Who... Home Alone... Home Alone 2... And, uh... The other ones..."

"Oh, cool" he replied. "So... How have you guys been?" he asked.

"As good as we possibly could be, given the crap we've been put through" explained Koopa, taking a sip from his eggnog and putting it back down. "It's nice to have some time away from all the madness for once."

John noticed MKG sat opposite him in a chair. "Oh... Uh, I don't think we've been introduced."

"Yeah, I was wondering who you are" admitted MKG. "My name's MKG. I joined not too long ago."

"I'm John, though I'm sure you already figured out that part" he said. "I used to be a part of this group and helped out a bit. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise" replied MKG, smiling.


"Oh great" groaned Scoobs. "Rain! That's all we need..."

"Well, it is the Winter" pointed out Koopa.

"I guess so..." admitted Scoobs.

"Uh, guys?" asked Wolfzilla, staring out of the window. The smile on her face had dropped away.


"Guys!" she shouted.

"What is it?" asked Cdr, concerned at what his sister wanted them to see.

"It's not rain..." she muttered, trying not to gag. The other Creators joined her by the window and looked outside, soon losing their smiles as well. It was blood... It was raining blood...

2017 Christmas Special 1: Happy Christmas

Blood ran down the window as it continued to rain. The rain was so heavy that the blood was now running across the streets, disappearing down into the sewers.

"But... That's blood! Human blood!" exclaimed Koopa, amazed at what he was witnessing. "Or at least, that's what it looks like. Fascinating..." He tried looking upwards to see if it was coming from somewhere else. Nope, it was coming straight from the clouds themselves.

"It wasn't raining blood when I got here" remarked John, looking at the blood-covered snow.

"It wasn't raining blood ever" said Nerd, correcting him. "Of course, it has to be on Christmas day..."

And then suddenly... The blood stopped. The clouds parted and the sun came back out again. Just as quickly as it had arrived, the blood had gone, leaving behind some puddles and the stains in the snow. The Creators left the bar to get a better look at the blood that remained on the streets.

"What caused that then?" asked BRK, making sure not to step in any of it.

"I've no idea" said Koopa, completely baffled at the situation.

"Maybe it's Caedes" suggested Nerd. "I had a dream about him once, I think..."

"Could be" agreed Cdr, knowing that they had created creatures capable of doing such things like this. Before anyone else could get a word in, the sky suddenly flashed a bright white colour and changed from it's icy blue colour to the dark black colours of the night!

"What the?" Koopa asked himself, looking upwards to observe the sky. "It's... Night time?" he asked.

"But it was the morning just a few seconds ago!" shouted Indominus. The Creators quickly dashed back into the bar and swapped over the TV channel to one of the hundreds of news channels.

"---and it would seem that night time has arrived early" reported the news reader, having already started her report on the strange events that were happening. "The Earth has been thrown into a state of panic as the skies have been reported to have been raining blood, and it would now appear as if the sun itself has shut off. Already, the amount of traffic on social media websites has caused many of them to crash down, leaving everybody in the dark both online and in real life. Scientists are currently working on---"

"---It seems to have happened everywhere" said Indominus.

"What do we do now?" asked BRK, turning towards Koopa.

"I... I don't know. This is way beyond us" said Koopa. "How are we meant to fix this?" he asked. "If the sun really has shut off, then that could prove to be pretty disastrous" he explained.

"Could some kind of alien or creature be behind this?" asked Wolf.

"Might be" said Koopa. "Could just be some strange universal event. The universe is a wide place, and a lot of unexplained stuff happens. We've no idea what has caused this, so where do we even start?"

Meanwhile, at the closest military base, everyone was busy determining what had happened. General Stone, the highest ranking official there, was rushing around in a fit of frenzy, having found himself with a ton of work suddenly being dropped upon him.

"Hurry up, everyone!" he shouted. "We need to know what caused this disaster!"

"Sir?" asked Sharon Poole, his assistant.

"Yes, what it is?" he asked.

"The Prime Minister is on the phone" she said. "Sounds urgent..."

"Of course it's urgent, Sharon. The skies were bleeding." He rushed off to his office to pick up the phone, leaving Sharon by herself. She readjusted her glasses and looked at the giant radar screen on the wall, which was scanning for life signs around the planet's orbit. Apparently there weren't any...

An hour had passed and Koopa was sat down on the sofa by himself with a cup of tea, thinking about what had happened earlier. He felt somewhat bad that he didn't know what caused it or what was going on, but found relief in knowing there was no possible way that any of them could have anticipated or prevented the strange stuff that had happened earlier.

"Koopa" said BRK, lying back in a recliner and playing around with a Baltan Pincerhands toy. "Shouldn't we be prepared in case it starts raining blood again?" he asked.

"I've got a machine set up on the roof that is monitoring the current weather patterns" explained Koopa. "I've no idea if it'll actually help, but it's something. John and I ran the blood through our machines and confirmed that it's definitely human blood. It's very odd..."

"Yeah" agreed BRK. "Why would it rain blood? If aliens are behind it, what use would it serve them?"

"I've no idea" said Koopa, getting out of the chair and heading over to the bar to wash out his glass.

"Dear humans of Earth" called out a loud voice, coming from the outside of the bar.

"What on Earth was that?" asked Koopa, immediately stopping what he was doing.

"Dear humans of Earth" repeated the loud voice, trying to gather the Earth's attention. The voice sounded like a mix of multiple voices of children and adults combined into one voice, all almost speaking in unison.

"What's happening?" asked Scoobs, having dashed down the stairs.

"Someone seems to be talking" observed Koopa, putting down his cleaned glass and opening the door, trying to identify where the voice had come from. There was nobody in sight. "Whoever it was, they're gone."

"We bring peace and wishes" called out the voices again, prompting the Creators to look upwards into the night sky. "We bring happiness and joy."

"Did you see that?" asked BRK, pointing up at the stars.

"See what?" asked Scoobs.

"The stars. They flashed each time the voice said something" he explained.

"Get out of here" whispered Scoobs, thinking he was joking.

"We come to celebrate this time of love and cheer."

"You're right" realised Scoobs. "Every single syllable... They lit up."

"We wish to speak to Earth's representatives. That is who we shall speak to. We shall speak to Earth's representatives."

The three Creators looked upwards into the sky, somewhat skeptical towards what they were hearing. As with the rest of the world, they remained silent. It was a silent night.

"What the hell was that?" asked General Stone, reading over the transcript that his people had recorded.

"Dear humans of Earth, dear humans of Earth" began the translator in the chair beside him. "We bring peace and wishes, we bring happiness and joy. We come to---"

"---I heard what they said, man" he barked, interrupting him. "What are they?"

"Picking up incredibly faint traces of energy around the globe, sir" announced a technician, carrying some paperwork he had taken out of his filing cabinet. "I'm going to cross reference them with other recent traces."

"You do that" ordered the General. "We need to find out what those voices were!"

"We shall speak to Earth's representatives" repeated the voices. "We shall speak in the North Ustin Military Base. We shall speak in the closest place of entry."

Before he could say anything, General Stone was silenced as a bright light emerged in the centre of the room, expanding and temporarily blinding everyone. The light died down, revealing a small orb of light hovering at the end of the room. It was silently pulsating, yet strangely appeared as if it was staring at everyone in the room.

"Uh... Hel... Hello.." stuttered General Stone, staring at the orb. It continued to remain silent. "My name is General Joseph Stone" revealed the general, getting closer to it. "You say you come with peace and want to... celebrate?" he asked, reaching out carefully. It remained silent. "I don't intend to hurt you" specified the general.

"We shall speak to Earth's representatives" it suddenly stated.

"You want to speak to Earth's representatives?" he asked.

"We shall speak to Earth's representatives."

General Stone looked around at his co-workers around him for help. "I... I can be Earth's representative, if that is what you wish" he offered. "And you are...?" he asked, hoping for an answer. The orb remained silent.

"We wish to speak to the representatives of this planet. You are not the representative of this planet. We shall speak to the Earth's representatives."

General Stone was lost for words. "Who... Who is the representative of Earth?" he asked.

"The Earth is protected" stated the orb. "We shall speak to them. They are your representatives."

"We don't get a say in the matter?" asked General Stone weakly.

"Sir, what do they mean by 'them'?" asked his translator.

"Who do you think?" growled General Stone. "They want to speak to the Council."

"The local council?" he replied. "They're busy resolving the litter problems."

"The Council of Creators" said a melodramatic General Stone. "Get them."

"It looks like they're talking to someone" said Cdr as the Creators huddled around a laptop. They were listening back to the recordings of the conversation the Stars had just had. It sounded like half a conversation. They had no idea who the other person or people in the conversation were so they didn't have a lot to go on here.

"We can only hear half of the conversation, dude" said MKG. "Not very helpful."

"We have learnt something though" pointed out Koopa. "They seem to know of our holidays and are already talking to someone else. Whoever's dealing with them, it's nothing to do with us."

"Come on" said Indominus. "Just because someone else is doing something about it doesn't mean that we can't!"

"I kind of have to agree with Indominus here" said Scoobs. "I'm intrigued in finding out what's happening here."


"Someone's outside" said John, looking through the peephole. "Someone who looks pretty important." He opened it to reveal General Stone and his secretary, both wearing warm parkas to combat the freezing cold weather.

"We would seek concurrence with the Council of Creators" said General Stone, pulling down his hood.

"Basically he means he wants to talk with you lot" pointed out Sharon.

"Well, uh, come in" said John, stepping out of their way.

"I hate to intrude in on your Christmas Day, but it seems it's going to be Christmas Day for quite a while at the moment" said General Stone, joining them by the laptop. "I see you're already investigating."

"Yes, of course we would be investigating" said Scoobs. "We're the only reason your planet is still here."

"Huh, is it?" asked General Stones. "Didn't you spend the last few months not existing?"

"That was an... uh... unplanned hiatus..." trailed off Scoobs.

"He's right though" said Koopa. "Where were you guys during all of those times we've been attacked?"

"You've clearly come to us for a reason" pointed out Cdr. "I'm guessing you want our help."

"Unfortunately, yes" admitted General Stone. "I must be out of my mind to ask for help from an Aztec Wolf, a giant Scooby Doo dinosaur, a guy dressed up as an obscure fictional character from Japan and whatever the heck the rest of you people are meant to be."

Koopa ignored the fact that General Stone had just straight-up insulted them and got to point. "Why do you want our help? It's something to do with the stars, I take it?"

"They told us that they want to talk to you, and you only" he explained. "We're gonna need you to come with us so that you can talk to them for us."

Cdr smirked. "So what you're saying is we technically have all of the power right now?"

"No, you don't" said the General, grimly looking at him. "You are going to talk to them and that's it. We tell you what to say to the stars and all you do is repeat what we say. When we're done with them, we're done with you."

Koopa stepped in before the conversation could start to escalate. "Okay, okay" he said. "Are you going to be taking us there?" he asked.

"Yes" answered the General. "The car is waiting outside."

"Alright then!" shouted Scoobs. "Let's go." The Creators started heading for the door.

"Hold up" said the General, holding his hand up. "We only need three or four of you. The others stay here."

"Well I'm coming" butted in Scoobs, arrogantly calling dibs on a chance to go with them.

"I think I should come" said Nerd. "And Cdr, maybe."

"Uh, I guess I can" said Cdr, not really that eager to go with them.

"Well that just leaves me" said Koopa. "The rest of you... Uh, I don't know" he said. "Though I'm not exactly the leader of you guys, I think John should take my place while we're gone. MKG can help."

"You ready to go?" asked the General, getting out of his chair and putting his coat back on.

The small orb was still hovering in place.

"Is that them?" asked Koopa. About half an hour or so had passed since they had left the bar. They had to go through a lot of security checks and had been fitted with ear pieces so that questions could be relayed to them.

"We're not entirely sure" said the General. "We think it's just something they're using to talk with us."

"How does it speak?" asked Scoobs. "It doesn't have a mouth and doesn't seem to be a living creature..."

"It doesn't" explained the General's translator. "The stars are using it to isolate their voices so that only we can hear them. Other than that, it's just been feeding data into our machines. We've been trying to translate it, but we haven't found anything..."

"Oh. "Scoobs frowned. "And you are...?"

"My name is Michael Dennis" he replied. "Why do you want to know?"

"Because I feel like your boss over there doesn't care enough to introduce you to us or to even refer to any of you by name." He looked at General Stone, having successfully annoyed him. However, he kept his cool.

"We've brought you the Earth's representatives!" shouted the General. He gestured towards Koopa to get him to approach the orb.

"I will speak to the representatives of this planet" echoed the voice.

"I'm... I'm here" said Koopa. For some reason, he felt really uneasy looking at it. It was almost as if he couldn't look at it, and the mere sight of it was causing him to feel sick.

"You are the representative of Earth" it confirmed. "Happy Christmas."

"Oh... Uh, Merry Christmas to you too" wished Koopa. "I... Uh, I understand that you want to talk to us about something? About celebrating this time of peace... and... happiness... and joy... Right?"

"Happy Christmas" it repeated.

"Yes, I got that bit" said Koopa. He turned to the other Creators as they silently watched him. "May I ask... What is it that you want? Other than... to celebrate..."

"We wish to embrace the Earth's traditions" it explained. "We shall celebrate the same values the Earth has celebrated for the last few decades."

"Oh?" asked Koopa. "How so?"

"Christmas is a time of sharing."

"Yes, it is. At least, I like to think so" said Koopa. "Some companies don't seem to..."

"People are known to give gifts as a way of expressing their love. It is beautiful."

"Yes, they do share---"

"---We shall have that love."

"You... What?" asked Koopa.

"We shall have that love."

"Could you... Could you please elaborate on that?" asked Koopa.

"We will take your love."

"Yes, but what do you mean by love?" he asked. "Do you... Want a gift, or something?"

"Yes" confirmed the orb. "We will take your love as a gift to us."

"So... What do you want?" asked Koopa. "We... Uh, we don't know what to give to you. No offense, but we don't have much experience... With stars..." He noticed that the orb had shrunk in size.

"We already elaborated on what we want. We shall have your love." It slowly expanded in size again. "You love your children. You love your parents. You love your partners, be they man or woman. That is the love we shall have."

"But we have no relation to you..." trailed off Koopa, confused by their odd request.

"You shall give us 50% of your love. We shall take 50% of your children, parents and partners. It shall remain as Christmas Day until you do so."

"What?" asked Koopa, slowly realising the nature of their request. "Our... children?"

"Happy Christmas."

"They can't just take half of the population!" shouted the General, slamming his hands down on a table. They had all left the room and were now in a private board room where they could talk without being observed by the Stars and the orb that they had sent down.

"They don't want half of the population" Scoobs corrected. "They want half of the children, parents and partners."

"That doesn't matter!" shouted the General. "They can't just take them!"

"They said it'll remain as Christmas Day until they do" said Koopa. "Clearly they possess quite a lot of power."

"So what do we do?" asked Nerd. "We can't just hand over a massive group of people to them..."

"It'd take forever to organize all of that" pointed out Cdr. His fellow Creators looked at him, waiting for him to add in that he agreed with Nerd. Finally, he got the memo. "Oh, uh... And yeah, it's wrong..."

"We can't exactly fight them" said Scoobs. "We barely even know anything about them!"

"All we do know is that they can seemingly extend time and mess around with Earth's atmosphere" said Koopa. "That has all the signs of quite the powerful opponent if you ask me."

"So what do we do?" asked the General, repeating what Nerd had asked earlier. "Those things want to take 50% of the popula... of our children, parents and partners... and then what? They just leave, taking them away with them?"

"Listen sir, I'm not too happy with their request either" said Koopa. "In fact, I'm not happy at all. However, it can't be denied that they hold the higher ground here."

"And when someone has the high ground, it's over" remarked Scoobs, hoping someone would laugh at his reference. Maybe he should have picked a better time to make it.

"Ah hah!" shouted Michael, almost hitting his laptop with joy. "There we go!"

"What, what is it?" asked the General.

"The data that orb has been transmitting has finally been transmitted. Quite a lot of it just seems to be a bunch of gibberish, presumably from them trying to emulate our language and customs. However, we do have a name for them. Two names, actually."

"What are they?" asked Nerd.

"They call themselves the Stars of the Symphony Night, or the Stars of the Night Symphony. Either one is an acceptable name. The rest of the data merely includes weather reports and the other stuff that we usually track ourselves. I'm guessing they've been monitoring the planet. It'd make sense."

"Yes, it would" said Koopa. "I think I'm going to need to talk to them again."

Koopa had returned to speak to the orb, which was silently pulsating. Upon his first footstep, it began emitting a strange hum. General Stone, Michael, the Creators and the other government officials there were watching through a screen in the private board room.

"I've come back to talk to you again" explained Koopa.

"You have come back to talk to us again" said the voice, repeating what he had said but changing up the tenses.

"Yes" he said. "I have a few questions for you before we even begin to start talking about that Christmas gift you demanded from us."

"We shall have your love."

"We shall have our answers" said Koopa. "You have to share back."

"Christmas is a time of sharing. We shall take your love."

Koopa ignored the orb as it continued to repeat the same lines over and over again. "Why did the sky rain blood?" he asked. He waited a few seconds. "Well?" he asked.

"The sky rained human blood. We have identified humanity as the most dominant form of the life on the planet. It takes up the majority of the Earth's population."

"Humanity isn't the dominant form of life" scoffed Koopa. "Humanity is equal. It's equal with the other kaiju that share our society."

"There is more of humanity" repeated the orb. "It is the dominant life form. Our scans caused atmospheric disturbance, replicating the blood type of humanity and raining it upon your soil." The orb then remained silent for a few seconds, pulsating in place, before repeating it's request. "We shall have your love."

"About your request" said Koopa. "We don't wish to take part in it."

"You shall give us your love" it repeated.

"We shan't give you anything! What will you do then, huh?" he asked.

"We shall wait."

"What?" asked Koopa.

"We shall wait and it shall remain as Christmas until we are given what we desire. We will outlast you, and your descendants will die knowing that we still watch upon them, waiting for our gift. Christmas will forever be remembered not as a holiday, but as a time when humanity became secondary to the stars they've been gazing upon for years. You shall give us your love, or we shall wait."

"And what will you do when you end up waiting for over a hundred years?" asked Koopa. "What then?"

"Like all stars, we will expand. Earth will cease to exist, and humanity will end prematurely, unable to explore it's full potential and reach out into the space surrounding the Earth, scared of the very stars that they've been so used to looking at. You shall give us your love soon, or humanity will soon learn of their new fate."

"We..." Koopa wasn't sure what to say. He knew he couldn't argue against them as they held all of the power here.

"You shall return to your board room and you shall discuss how best to round up your love. You will then give it to us."

Unable to say anything back, Koopa backed away and quickly returned to the private board room. The orb then became silent again, just hovering in place.

"There you have it" said General Stone, just as Koopa entered the room. "We have to hand them over... There's nothing else we can do..."

"What?" asked Koopa.

"You can't just agree with them!" shouted Nerd.

"You already said earlier that they have the upper hand here" said General Stone. "I don't want this to happen just as much as you don't want it to, but what else can we do?"

"This is utterly ridiculous" said John, watching everything unfold on a laptop. Though the Creators in the bar couldn't see what was going on, they could hear what was happening as MKG had managed to hack into Nerd's radio. He paced back and forth. "They're just going to give everyone away... That's insane."

"Seems like it, man" said MKG, still listening to the radio frequency. "There's nothing else they can do."

"Isn't there?" asked John. "You watch me."

"Where are you going?" asked Wolf, sitting behind him in a chair.

"Down to the lab" he responded. I'll try and see if there's anything I can do to deal with these stars."

"Awesome!" shouted Indominus, startling a sleeping BRK. "I'll just be right here... watching anime..."

About an hour had passed now, and the Creators at the military base were bored out of their minds. They hadn't been allowed to leave just in case the Stars wanted to talk to them, though they had now become open to talking with the general so that they could discuss how to round up the humans required for their gift.

"This sucks" moaned Scoobs. "I'd rather be at home right now..."

"I'd be rather be doing something about this whole debacle right now" countered Koopa, rolling his eyes. "The fact that we aren't doing anything and can't do anything is really irritating me..."

"We can't though" said Nerd. "The military's taken it into their own hands. What could we do anyways?"

"Yeah, it's not as if we can just go to space and fight them" said Scoobs. "They're sentient stars, for crying out loud. We only barely made it through what happened with Aetherium..."

"There actually is something I noticed, that you guys don't seem to have picked up on" pointed out Cdr.

"Huh?" asked Scoobs. "What?"

"The way they talk" said Cdr. "Now, this may just me being an optimist, but the way that orb thing talked confused me. It doesn't seem to understand us very well. Did you not see how it couldn't even say Merry Christmas correctly? It said Happy, and it's made itself clear that it's simply trying to learn our values customs. Maybe the Stars are learning. Maybe they don't know what they're doing is wrong?"

"Thank goodness you said you're just being an optimist" said Nerd. "They were being pretty intimidating about the whole thing, what with threatening us and all that."

"And who makes threats when they don't get their own way?" asked Cdr. "Children."

"Children..." muttered Koopa to himself. "They had the voices of children. Maybe, just maybe... Yes... Children throw tantrums, don't they? I don't have much experience, but that's what they usually do when they're angry."

"What are you getting at?" asked Scoobs.

"What I'm saying is that maybe, just maybe, we can try and reason with them" explained Koopa. "We can try to get them to learn the true meaning of Christmas."

"That seems like a bit of a stretch" said Scoobs, unsure whether the plan would work or even could work.

"It's better than letting them take 50% of our loved ones and doing god knows with them" said Nerd.

"With any luck, and with the Christmas miracles that go hand in hand with heroes during Christmas specials, we'll be able to pull it off!" shouted Koopa, ecstatic that they could finally do something.

And so each of the players were in their respective places on the field. The military seemed to be going ahead with the plans to hand over Earth's 'love', the Creators were going to attempt to teach the Stars the true meaning Christmas in their faint optimistic hope that the Stars simply didn't understand, and the remaining Creators at the bar were figuring out a way to fight back against the Stars that had turned against them.

Three opposing sides, but only one of them could succeed in their goals.

"If we are to round up the children, partners, parents and grandparents..." began General Stone, who the orb was now willingly speaking to. "How are we to get them from Earth... to... wherever you are?"

Scoobs was stood in the corner of the room, observing the conversation between the two of them. The others, who had still been left unattended, were discussing how they could possibly communicate with the Stars and convey the true meaning of Christmas to them.

"We shall take them" vaguely explained the orb, not clearing anything up for General Stone in the slightest.

Scoobs shifted his attention from General Stone's conversation and looked towards the general's translator, Michael Dennis. He needed to speak with him, but couldn't risk being heard. Pulling up his wrist device, he inputted some lines of code and hacked into Michael's computer. He typed in a message that would get his attention.

"I'm here. I'm queer. I'm a pirate buccaneer."

Michael looked up from his computer and turned around to face Scoobs, immediately identifying who sent him the bizarre message. Without saying anything, Scoobs beckoned him to come with him back to the board room. Scoobs silently walked back up the steps and into the corridor outside.

"Excuse me, sir" said Michael, getting out of his seat. "I, uh, need to go to the toilet."

"Permission granted" stated General Stone, not even bothering to look at him. Michael picked up the pace and climbed up the staircase so that he could join Scoobs in the corridor.

"Have you began preparations?" asked the orb. Michael stopped on the staircase, awaiting the general's answer.

"Plans have begun, yes" explained General Stone.

Michael frowned and left the room, meeting up with Scoobs in the corridor. "Listen, I'm not a queer, as you put it, and am not into any of that kind of stuff, so whatever you---"

"---no, no, I was just getting your attention" explained Scoobs. "We may need to do a lot of buccaneering though... Things are moving quite quickly."

"What do you want?" asked Michael.

"World peace, true equality, the Holiday Special and the Ewok movies on Blu-ray... Oh, and your help" rattled Scoobs, checking to make sure no one was listening in. "You're his translator, right?"

"Yes, but only with the data they're transmitting" said Michael.

"That may be all we need" said Scoobs, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Surely you can't be fine with what's going on in that room right now?" he asked.

"Of course not!" shouted Michael, as if he had been accused.

"Shush, hush" warned Scoobs. "We don't want to hand over so many people to those things. We don't want to hand over anyone. We want to try reasoning with the Stars and get them to stop."

"That doesn't sound very sensible..."

"I know it sounds incredibly optimistic, but it's better than giving away so many people to the Stars so that they can do god knows what with them" explained Scoobs. "I'm not too hopeful myself, but I'm willing to give it a chance, and so should you. What do you say?"

"Well... How could I possibly help?" asked Michael.

"That's easy" said Scoobs. "Let me explain. Basically, we need to be able to talk to them. We think that the key to doing that is through the data they've been transmitting to us. If we were to be able to access their broadcasting signal, then we could---"

"---you could talk to them and try to get them to stop" finished Michael, understanding what Scoobs was getting at. He quickly shut up as an officer walked past them. "So..." he began. "You want me to transmit the data to you as they continue to transmit it to us, I guess?" he asked.

Scoobs smiled. "Bingo."

"Using the data that Michael is transmitting to us, we can talk to the Stars" explained Scoobs to his fellow Creators, pushing a laptop across the table. "We've got a direct feed."

"Great!" said Cdr, standing up and reaching over to get a good look. "Now we just need to decipher it and see if we can find anything that can help us talk to those things."

"And I suppose that's where I come in" said Koopa, flexing his hands. "We don't have much time though. If what I've heard is right, they're already putting their plans into action. We've got to get ours ready. We can't do both at once."

"Can we patch the data through to John and MKG?" asked Nerd. "They could decipher it while we'll get to work on our plans" he explained.

"Yes, good idea!" Koopa pulled the laptop over to him and opened up some kind of chat window, directing a video call through to the Creators back at the bar. They waited a few seconds, and then the friendly image of the bar phased onto the screen.

"It's Koopa!" shouted Indominus, who had his face right up close to their screen back at the bar. BRK pulled him aside so that he can talk to them. "Have you figured out what's going on yet?" he asked.

"Yes" said Koopa. "It's not very good either... Can you get MKG and John on the line?" he asked.

"I can get them" Wolfzilla chimed in, dashing off to the laboratory to get them.

"So what's happening?" asked BRK as they waited for Wolfzilla to come back.

"Nothing very pleasant..." started Koopa.

"I'm sure you heard it all though" pointed out Nerd as he held up his radio to the screen. Though he was wearing his mask, the Creators could tell that he was frowning.

"We heard some of it" explained BRK. "We've got a... general idea... of what's happening."

"Hey, man!" shouted MKG, pushing BRK aside. "What do you guys need?" he asked.

"Straight to the point, aren't you" remarked Koopa. "The Stars are transmitting data to the military base, and thanks to a contact Scoobs recruited, we too have that data. The Stars are communicating across a particular wavelength or signal, and we need to see if we can trace it through the gibberish data they've been sending."

"Ah, you want us to track it down" said MKG. "John and I can do that, for sure."

"Thanks, it'd be a great help" explained Koopa. "Sending data across now." He began tapping away at the keyboard, doing something complicated and clever. "Got it?"

"Yup, it's come straight through" confirmed MKG, seemingly looking down towards it. "We'll get right to work!"

"Thanks again" repeated Koopa. "I don't like putting people under pressure, but we don't have that much time. Ironic, I know, considering time is currently frozen, but time is on the metaphorical clock."

"Gotcha" said MKG. Koopa closed the laptop down and the four Creators began to work on their plans.

"Great..." John whispered to himself, having silently watched the conversation between MKG and the other Creators. He paced back and forth, thinking to himself.

"What is it?" asked MKG, giving in to his curiosity.

"They've got their own plans, apparently" said John, breaking his silence. "However, we can still use this data for our own plans" he said.

"You mean your plans" said MKG. "I never agreed to them."

"Do you really think there's any better alternative?" asked John. "Decipher the data, find their transmission signal and give it to them. Let them do whatever they're doing. We can use it too though."

"Why?" asked Wolfzilla, stepping forwards. "What do you want to do?"

"You heard what those Stars demanded" explained John. "We've got to stop them, and if that way involves violence, then so be it. We don't really have much of a choice."

"The others seem to think so..." pointed out Wolf. "My brother thinks so."

"And is thinking as good as actually doing something?" asked John. "No. They've not taken any action so far. It's about time that someone does."

Wolf and Indominus watched on nervously as he headed back to the laboratory. BRK followed him and MKG got to work on deciphering the data that was being fed through to him.

"So, what do we do?" asked Nerd, laying out a large sheet of A3 paper on the table in front of them.

"We need to show them what Christmas is really about" stated Cdr, crossing his arms.

"But what is Christmas about?" asked Nerd.

"Materialism" said Scoobs from the corner of the room.

"Okay, what's Christmas meant to be about?" asked Nerd.

"Celebration, and coming together" explained Koopa. "Spending time with family and friends, and basically celebrating our lives and how thankful we should be to have them."

"That's a start" said Cdr. "But how do we show them that?" he asked.

"Uh... Maybe... Christmas carols?" suggested Nerd.

"If you could elaborate" asked Koopa.

"What comes to mind when you think of Christmas carolers?" asked Nerd.

"Usually closed curtains and locked doors" said Scoobs, not at all helping out as usual.

"People getting together and being generally jolly" explained Nerd.

"Yes" remarked Koopa. "That fits in with the idea of people getting together and celebrating. We don't have any Christmas carols we can send to them though... Our singing voices aren't that great either..."

"Well, you're wrong there" said Scoobs, pulling a CD out of nowhere. "20 Festive Christmas Carols, as performed by Bonnie Tyler. Released just last week."

"Of course you have that" sighed Cdr. "Very convenient."

"She has back-up singers with her too" elaborated Scoobs. "It sounds great."

General Stone stood by the orb, waiting for a response. "Well?" he asked.

"We have determined a collection point" explained the orb. "You will bring your love here."

"Huh?" asked the General, confused. "Where?" His attention was then drawn to the giant screen in the wall as co-ordinates marked themselves on the map. "But... there?" he asked. "On top of some hill somewhere... Uh, I suppose it's discreet enough."

"You shall bring your love to us" ordered the orb. "We shall take your love."

The General frowned and looked towards the ground as the orb fizzled out of existence, severing all communications between the military base and the Stars. He opened his mouth, but hesitated to talk. Turning around to face his subordinates, he sighed and tried to look at them. "Initiate the extraction process..." he solemnly said, giving out the order.

"But sir..." started Michael, standing up from his place. "You..."

"Listen, boy" growled the General. "Your job is to sit there and translate for me. I'd advise you sit down and continue doing just that."

Michael slowly sat down, deciding not to speak any further. He could tell from the General's face that he expressed some guilt over issuing out the order, but that he also had no other choice.

Back in the more populated areas of North Ustin, a family was trying their hardest to enjoy their Christmas. Lots of weird stuff usually happened in the city, so they weren't going to let some raining blood and loud voices ruin their Christmas. Two parents, a mother and stepfather, watched as their young child gazed upon his presents underneath the tree, overwhelmed with excitement and unsure which one to open first.

"Go on, Ryan, pick a present from the tree!" encouraged his mother, getting her camera ready. As was usual family tradition, they wanted to film him unwrapping his first present. Their daughter, Jess, was asleep in her bedroom. They were planning on waking her up in a few minutes.

"Yeah, you'll have to open them all soon enough!" joked his stepdad, looking lovingly into his wife's eyes and hugging her.

The young boy grabbed a present and shook it, trying to figure out what was inside of it. There was only one way to find out... Like a hyped-up child on a sugar rush, he tore the wrapping paper from the presents and threw it aside, desperate to find out what he was holding in his hands.

"What is it, Ryan?" asked his mother, encouraging him to tell her.

"It's the Skylanders Imaginators set I asked for!" he exclaimed proudly, hugging the box. His parents had no idea what Skylanders was (or what it had done to a certain purple dragon's reputation), but they were ecstatic to see their son being so delighted when seeing what Santa had gotten him.

"You going to open the next one now?" she asked, nudging her husband's arm and winking at him. Obviously, they already knew what was in the next present and as such were very eager to see him open it, when suddenly...


Before they could even turn around to see what was happening to their front door, military soldiers had already kicked it down and were raiding the house!

"Take the child!" shouted one of the soldiers, gesturing them to take the kid from the living room. "Go upstairs and check for any more!" he ordered, gesturing his other soldiers to go to the upper floor of the house.

The stepfather immediately got out of the chair and confronted the soldiers that had so rudely broken into his house. "What on Earth are you doing in my---"


One soldier had struck him across the face with their gun, knocking him down to the floor and rendering him unconscious. His son screamed as blood spilled from his dad's mouth, staining the carpet. Before he knew it, another soldier had suddenly hoisted him over his soldier.

"MUM! DAD!" he screamed, kicking and screaming as the soldier took him out of the house.

"What are you doing?!" screamed his mother, desperately trying to reach for her child as the other soldiers held her back, refusing to let her past.

"MUM!" screamed Jess as the soldiers took her from her bedroom, hitting her captor in the back as he barged past the other soldiers. The mother only just managed to push past and made it outside of the house, but was too late. Her children had already been loaded into the back of a large truck along with the children of many other parents on the street, and was just being closed up. The soldiers in her house pushed past her and grabbed onto the sides of the truck as it pulled away, leaving the poor mother by herself.

"It's begun" started John, looking out of the window and staring at some military vehicles as they drove past. He made some last adjustments to the weapon he had created. "We've really got to get going. MKG, do you know where they're taking all of the people to?" he asked.

"All of the military trucks are taking different routes, but it seems like they're heading to one specific location" said MKG, checking over the translated data on the laptop. "The data we've been given says they're meeting up on some hill somewhere."

"Well, we better get there quickly then" stated John, throwing his screwdriver aside and holding his device over his shoulder, having fitted it with a strap.

"What does that device even do?" asked BRK, looking up towards it.

"When we hijack the frequency that the Stars are using, we can use it to send a signal to them that should cause them to explode" explained John. "You know, like when you hear a horrifically loud sound and you feel as if your ear drums are going to burst. It's like that, except they actually are going to burst."

"What's up with these military trucks anyways?" asked Wolf, surveying the footage of them. Indominus was also watching it with her.

"They're all designated to contain different people" revealed John. "For example, you've got trucks full of children, and others full of parents or partners. I saw one collecting animals too."

"And they're just... directly taking them out of their homes?" asked Wolf. "That's terrible..."

"Of course it is, which is why we need to get out there and stop them before anyone can be handed over" explained John, heading towards the door. "I've already devised a route we can take that isn't occupied by any military vehicles. It's about time we get going. MKG, grab the laptop."

The five Creators got up and left the bar, ready to put their plan into action.

"We're really going to try and teach these Stars about Christmas with a CD that has Bonnie Tyler singing Christmas carols..." moaned Cdr, aware of how far-fetched that was.

"With back-up singers" reminded Scoobs.

"Hush, it doesn't matter" said Koopa, trying to keep them quiet so that he could concentrate.

"Well?" asked Scoobs. "Can we transmit to them?"

"That's just what I'm trying to find out" replied Koopa. He tinkered around with his laptop a little, trying to determine if it could be possible or not. "Damn..."

"What is it?" asked Nerd.

"They ceased communications with the General" explained Koopa. "If we're gonna talk to them, we need to be up by the extraction point where they're taking their gifts."

"Michael has told us where that is though" said Scoobs. "All we gotta do is get there. No biggie."

"Yes, maybe so, but it's still irritating" said Koopa.

"The more I think about this plan, the more I begin to doubt it..." admitted Cdr. "Really, we'd need a miracle to pull this off."

Koopa looked up towards him, glaring into his eyes, giving him a look he rarely ever exchanged with anyone. He shut the laptop down and held it under his arm. "After what we've gone through in the last year, I'd just about say that we deserve a Christmas miracle, don't you think?"

Before Cdr could answer, the General slammed the door open and entered the room. "You're free to go now. The Stars don't want to talk to you anymore. Everything has been arranged."

"So you're really doing this" stated Koopa, standing up from the table.

"If you were in my position, you'd so the same" said the General, attempting to justify his actions.

"We really wouldn't" countered Nerd. "And we aren't."

"If you're threatening me, then just know that I'm not listening, at all" explained the General. "While I'd love a happy ending, I know that's not gonna happen" he explained. "Your friend over there has already figured that out" he said, looking towards Cdr.

"We're not going to let you give them what they want" said Koopa, rather confidently.

"Oh?" asked the General. "And how do you plan to do that?"

"With this" said Scoobs, holding up his collector's edition of Bonnie Tyler's Christmas carol album.

"Put that down" whispered Cdr, lowering Scoobs' arm.

The General stared at them for a few seconds before breaking out into a fit of laughter. "You're going to stop the Stars from taking the population... with a Bonnie Tyler Christmas album? Hahahahaha! Please... You should just hurry up and leave. We've already arranged an escort to take you back to your bar."

"We'll leave" said Koopa. "But don't think we're just going to let this slide." And like that, the four of them left the room in silence, passing Michael in the corridor.

The General had a moment to himself, and then turned around to find Michael staring at him, having watched the whole conversation. The General scoffed and slowly approached him. "Don't you try doing anything smart either" he ordered. "Not a word of what happened here today, to anyone. I'll make sure of that if I have to." He headed back towards his office, leaving Michael to think by himself.

"We can't be taken back to the bar" said Nerd, as the four of them were escorted out of the base. "That'll waste way too much time..."

Cdr looked at a nearby military jeep, which had been left unattended. "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked. He exchanged glances with the other three Creators, and silently began initiating a transformation into his Ultra form.

Meanwhile, the General was in his office with his head in his hands. Surrounded by stacks of paper, he had a lot of work to do, and already had a lot on his mind. He was contemplating whether he had done the right thing or not, giving in to the demands the Stars had made. Before he could come to any conclusion, he was alarmed by a loud honking sound.


Jumping out of his chair, the General rushed to the window, just in time to see a military jeep pull up on the road by the ground floor! Nerd reached out of the window and waved, before noticing multiple soldiers rushing towards them. Ushering Koopa to drive, the jeep quickly sped away, leaving a large dusty cloud behind it.

"Those Creators..." moaned the General to himself.


The Stars were waiting above a hill, ready to collect their presents. "We glisten and we shine."

The military trucks were now pulling up. It was nearing the time the extraction was due to take place. These trucks were merely the first batch, with many more to come on the way. Each truck held about 30 people, each of different age, gender, sexuality and ethnicity. Just nearby was a radio tower, which is what the Stars had used to determine their specific location.

"Damn it" said Cdr to himself, looking out of the window of their jeep. "We don't have that long..."

"Koopa, are you ready with that machine?" asked Nerd, climbing out of the jeep. They had parked behind the radio tower, just out of sight of the military. Whether the Stars could see them or not was unknown, but they hadn't done anything about it.

"Yup, it's just about ready to go!" shouted Koopa, pulling a machine out of the car. He had made it out of the scrap that was available to them (having passed a scrapyard on the way), and had assembled it in the car while Cdr took over. Scoobs actually helped out for once, having given Koopa the scrap pieces required as he built the thing. It was about time to test out if it could actually work.

"So, are we on their wavelength?" asked Nerd, examining the device as it made a bunch of beeping sounds, each at a different tone.

"Indeed we are!" He tapped some commands into the machine, ready to send the transmission, when suddenly... PUNCH! Koopa briefly took on the form of John as a byproduct of his Absorption Inheritance ability.

"John!" shouted Nerd angrily. "What the hell are you doing?"

"There can only be one frequency sent up to them, and it's not going to be wasted on stupid Christmas Carols!" he shouted, with MKG and BRK stood behind him. Wolf and Indominus were just a little bit behind them, not wanting to take part into this argument.

"You... you just punched me..." remarked Koopa, shocked by his former assistant's actions.

"You left me no choice" said John, shaking his hand. "MKG, take your transmitter to the top of the radio tower."

Koopa reached out as MKG began to climb the staircase to the top of the tower. "MKG..." he stuttered, slowly getting up onto his legs. "What does that transmitter do?"

John held his hand out to keep MKG silent. "It will send a vibration, made out of millions of tiny noises, that will explode the Stars from the inside out" he explained.

"What?!" asked Koopa in disbelief. "You aren't even going to try and see if there's a peaceful solution to all of this?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, Koopa, but John's right" admitted MKG. "I've no idea what you dudes are doing, but it's clear what these Star's intentions are, and they need to be stopped..."

"Why not at least let us try to sort things out without any violence?" asked Nerd.

"Because you have your blade out, so you're clearly not willing to do so" said John, looking at him. Koopa looked into his eyes, and he looked into his. John then silently turned around and joined MKG by the staircase. Scoobs joined Wolf and Indominus, opting to stay out of this conversation.

"This is madness!" shouted Koopa, attempting to rush towards the staircase. However, BRK quickly jumped in his way, blocking his path. "Let me past!" shouted Koopa.

"We shall take our gifts" echoed the voices of the Stars, interrupting the Creators.


Everyone fell silent as their attention was drawn towards the extraction point on the hill. The first batch had been taken... About 150 people, gone... BRK rubbed his eyes, attempting to regain his sight faster as he slowly recovered from the bright flash. In the confusion, Koopa quickly grabbed BRK and pushed him aside, rushing up the staircase after John and MKG!

"You've got to stop!" he shouted, climbing up a ladder and reaching them at the top of the building. Rushing up to them, he was just about to kick their transmitter over. However, John pressed the button...


The three of them held their hands over their ears as the device let out a horrifically loud screeching sound, beaming up in the skies.

"Gifts, presents, Christmas" began the Stars, as their voices slowly became more and more garbled. Their voices were now rising and lowering in pitch, and rapidly changing in speech, resulting in their speech patterns becoming incredibly messed up. "We shall have our and we will take your and the and the why and the how and the when and the--- "


Koopa kicked over John's machine just as the Stars exploded, spreading their light everywhere across the hill and wiping out all of the soldiers in the vicinity, reducing them to mere piles of ash. The Creators had only remained alive due to being shielded from the light by the radio tower. Only they had survived. The soldiers were dead, and the second batch of humans had either been transported into space at the last second or had also been wiped out. Another 150 people... Koopa looked upon the empty, isolated hill and sighed, falling down to his knees. John, who had fallen over, only just managed to get up, balancing against a table. Koopa looked over to him, expressing his disappointment. "I'm never going to know if I was right..." he whispered to himself.

The General was stood in the hub area by himself, staring at the giant screen. He had watched the exchange between the Stars take place live, though hadn't seen what had happened at the radio tower.

"You're a coward" said a calm voice, coming from behind him. He turned around to find himself face to face with Michael, his translator. "You let the Stars take those people."

"What are you doing in here?" asked the General, reaching towards his pocket and keeping his arm near it.

"I'm here to tell you about what you've done" he replied. "What just happened there, on that screen, was the work of the Creators. And I helped them. From what I've been told, they have audio recordings of the negotiations that took place here, in this very room."

"And... What?" asked the General. "You're going to blackmail me with it? To get what you want?"

"No, sir..." Michael pulled out a phone. "I'm not that selfish... I'm not you. I have a back-up copy though. Quite a few back-up copies exists, actually." He pressed play and let a short sample of the recording play out, revealing the General making the deal with the Stars.

"So what are you going to do then?" asked the General.

"We're going to release them to the public, and everyone is going to know that you were willing to let at least 300 people be taken by the Stars" explained Michael, putting the phone back in his pocket. "And when that happens, you'll lose your job, and you'll be hated. By everyone, as you deserve to be..."

"The problem with the people like you" said the General, "is that you talk too long." BANG! He pulled out his gun and shot Michael in the chest! Michael fell to the ground, clutching the wound in his chest as blood ran through the gaps in between his fingers, running down his arms and dripping to the floor. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone again, so that he could release the recording. BANG! The General shot him again, finishing him off. Michael dropped to the ground, dead. The General walked over to his corpse and grabbed Michael's phone, deleting the recording. "We've hacked into the Creator's database before" he whispered to himself, looking at Michael's dead body. "We can easily do it again."


The General fell over onto the table in front of him, blood spluttering out of his back. He turned over and slowly fell down to the floor, leaning against the table. He looked towards the top of the staircase so that he could identify who shot him. "Sharon..." he whispered to himself, looking up into the eyes of his quiet secretary. She had finally had enough of standing by his side and remaining silent, letting him stand by and doing whatever he wanted. Before he could say anything else, she fired her gun again. BANG! And again... And again... BANG! BANG! The life slowly disappeared from his eyes, and he slumped down like a ragdoll.

Sharon trembled in place, only just managing to keep a hold of the gun. "I did the right thing..." she stuttered to herself, attempting to reassure herself. She understood the consequences this would have on her, and she accepted them. She dropped the gun as soldiers came bursting through the door.

The Creators had returned to the bar. Daytime had been restored and the Earth had been unlocked from it's perpetual state of Christmas, presumably as a result of the Stars being wiped out and ceasing to exist.

"John..." said Koopa, approaching him. "What you did today... That was genocide."

"I did what had to be done" explained John, justifying his actions. "The stars are still in the sky, aren't they? The non-sentient ones, that is. They're not all gone, so it isn't genocide."

Koopa wanted to reply back, but understood that this would probably escalate into another argument. They had already spent the entire trip home in silence, too angry to talk to each other. "I..." started Koopa. "I think that we should get some sleep. Or some rest, at the very least... It's best that we get some rest... And clear our minds of it." John nodded and entered the bar, followed by the rest of the Creators.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't put our plan into action" said Nerd, putting his hand onto Koopa's shoulder. He sighed and entered the bar, joining the rest of the team.

Koopa was now stood outside by himself, with only his thoughts for company. He looked up into the daylight sky, wondering what would have happened had things gone different. "Where there was a chance, there was hope, and that where there was Christmas, there was a chance to be happy" he remarked to himself, closing his eyes and lowering his head. He walked through the doors of the bar and closed them behind him...



Council Of Creators[]

Other Characters[]



  • This is the first Christmas special of Council of Creators and was written to reflect the darker nature of the second season, with the second 2017 Christmas special taking on a more positive tone to reflect the upcoming third season. It is also the first instance of there being two Christmas specials in one year.
  • Yet again, Nerd refers to the Caedes attack that was erased from history as a dream he had.
  • Though not chronologically the first to do so, this episode was the first published episode to refer to the city the Creators live in by its actual name, revealing that the city is named Ustin and that it is separated into two halves, the North and South. It was decided that they would live within a fictional city so that it could still be differentiated from the rest of the real world locations that have been visited in previous episodes of the series.
Council of Creators Navbox Logo
Season 1
Pilot EpisodeThe Uncharted LandA New Years To RememberSh*t Gets RealMeme Recognition
Poop vs. MemesThe Coming of AtumFamily ReunitedThe Fellowship of the Louse
The Way the Tears FlowThe Way the Heart BeatsThe Way the Bodies Drop
The Way the Angels Burnt the Sky and Pierced the HeavensThe Two TonguesCouncil of Recolours
COC Double Feature 1Behind the SuitBackground Love
The Return of the LouseA New Villain Hides in the Shadows! The Death God's World!Ambush
Longy's Prophetic PlansBRK's Date with DynaThe Inferior Bar Next Door
Laser Rifles May Break My Bones But Anything Else Can't Hurt MeIndominus and the Mysterious Creator
JohnGojira, the New Creator in Town!Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Terror in Times Square! Kirkos vs. The Bootnokk Battalion!Return of the Fallen
Season 2
The Mystery of the Unusual Duplicate!Stuff Always Happens at the BarThe Crusaders
Nightmares of a CreatorTaro Dies! BRK's DefeatSecond ChanceMinimizing Numbers
Final StrategyReturn Of An Old Friend: Back But Slower
The Putrid Heart: Demonic Disease Monster Organon!Keratos's Blood-soaked Return!
The Courtroom of CorruptionA Rider to Destroy Them AllBRK vs Sword ThingPENUMBRA
The Girl In Blue • Rock N' Roll Showdown! • What's this? The Hero Born Anew! Rebirth: Cdr!
Memories and My MeadowShadow Paradigm
2017 and 2018 Specials
Happy ChristmasOn The Second Day of Christmas
Koopa's Birthday Surprise
Season 3
The Other Side of the WallCOC Double Feature 2The Gate Behind the Universe
Hokuto Black King Rides Once More • The Red Phantom Killer
The Council of Creators Cinematic Movie Universe: The First Phase
The Two of Nine • TBA • TBA
The Creating Council Bootleg Cinematic Movie Universe Knock-off Series: The Starting Chapter
Deleting Universes: How They Do It • The Return of Longy: A Strange Meeting! • The Beach Episode
The Wrath of the Fandom Users • Dealers in Rivalry • TBA • Space Incommodity • The Missing Number
Fractal Paranoia • Nerd Has a Daughter • The Creators on a Planet of Hair
Season 4
A Day in The Life • A New Form, and Perhaps The Last • The Atrocious Admirer • Scoobs Investigates
Friend or Foe • Nerd Has a Daughter
Scoobydooman90001's Stories
Council of Creators
Episode 2Episode 5Episode 9Episode 14Episode 15Episode 16Episode 18Episode 19
Episode 24Episode 27Episode 28Episode 32Episode 33Episode 36Episode 37Episode 38
Episode 42Episode 44Episode 49Christmas 1Special 1Episode 52Episode 53
Council of Creators: Side Stories
What's Left Behind
Other Stories
No Fourth Wall Breaks on Sesame Street